Stefnuvirkt, mest 11 dB LTE. 4×4 Mimo fyrir öflugustu beinana. Þetta hentar vel þar sem að er lélegt netsamband. Tengist beint í router.
XPOL-24 er góð viðbót við vinsælu línu Cross pólunar loftneta frá Poynting. XPOL-24 er okkar fyrsta 4×4 MIMO 5G/LTE banda loftnet sem er með ótrúlega mögnun. Þetta er vegna innleiðingar háþróaðrar nýrrar tækni, sem notar gervi segulleiðara (AMC) og nýrrar skráningar/einkaleyfis, sem hefur reynst gefa óvenjulegar endurbætur á bandbreidd og mögnun. Geislunarmynstur þessa loftnets er einstaklega vel stjórnað, sem eykur enn frekar á framúrskarandi frammistöðu loftnetsins. XPOL-24 bíður uppá tíðnisvið frá 617 til 4200 MHz, með mesta mögnun 11dBi yfir bandið. Loftnetið sérstaklega vel á böndunum: 617 – 960 MHz, 1710 – 2170 MHz, 2300 – 2700 MHz & 3400 – 4200 MHz. Þessi sérstaklega mikla bandbreidd er mikilvægur eiginleiki fyrir 5G/LTE tæknina þar sem að þessi tækni notast við Carrier Aggregation (CA) til að bjóða uppá sem bestu mögulega móttöku á mörgum tíðniböndum á samtímis. Þetta gerir XPOL-24 lausnina sem að best er fyrir núverandi og framtíðar 5G/LTE loftnets lausnina.
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The radiation patterns of the XPOL-24 antenna are uni-directional and exceptionally well controlled across the entire frequency range of operation. The combination of the uni-directional radiation pattern with the high gain across the wideband coverage enables superb coverage in rural and urban deployments. Poynting Antennas has achieved this high-performance result by using an innovative design whereby the impedance bandwidth, gain and radiation patterns are matched over all the bands of operation. The result is an antenna with superior performance across all frequency bands supported by the antenna. This is an important factor for a stable connection on LTE and 5G cellular technologies, where they rely on capacity enhancing features such as carrier aggregation to provide the best possible reception over multiple frequency bands.
The XPOL-24 comes in an all-new radome, with an overall size of 444 mm x 290 mm x 110 mm. The radome offers a rugged design with an IP65 ingress protection rating, making the antenna weatherproof and waterproof. This makes the antenna suitable for outdoor mounting and ensures that the antenna will be able to withstand harsh environmental conditions. The UV stable ASA radome material used for the antenna enclosure offers protection against highly corrosive environments, which include chemical and toxic environments.
The XPOL-24 comes standard with a unique and versatile mounting bracket and knock-in screws that can be used for a variety of mounting options. The antenna can be wall or pole mounted outdoor for ease of installation. The antenna also complies with the relevant CE, EN, CSA and RoHS standards as stated in our technical sheets. The antenna is also rated for temperatures from -40°C to +80°C and will survive winds of up to 160 km/h, with an impact resistance of IK08.