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Poynting 4G loftnet

Höfum fengið umboð fyrir Poynting 4G loftnet. Poynting er með vandaða vöru á góðu verði fyrir allar aðstæður. Þeir framleiða vönduð loftnet fyrir skip og báta, bíla og sumarhús. Loftnetin frá þeim eru flest tilbúin fyrir 5G.

Það er tilbúið fyrir 5G með 2 x MiMo. Sjá hér:

  • 2 x MiMo 2G/3G/4G/LTE antenna
  • 5G Ready, includes 3.2GHz to 3.8GHz CBRS Band
  • Small & Low-Profile (Ø 100mm x h 36mm)
  • Waterproof & Dustproof (complies with IP68)
  • Highly Ruggedised (complies with IK10)
  • Fire Resistant (certified with ECE-R 118.02)
  • Easy installation; multi implementation options (as standard)
    • Spigot Mount
    • Magnetic Mount
    • Double Sided Tape Mount
    • Bracket Mount
  • UV Stable Enclosure
  • Wideband – covers wide frequency band
  • Ground plane independent – performs consistently with and without a ground plane.

Sjá meira um Puck-2 netið hér.

Hér er litla 360° netið, OMNI-280.

Hér er svo net sem er smíðað sérstaklega fyrir skip og báta, OMNI-291. Hægt er að fá mismunandi ryðríar festingar fyrir það. Það fylgir með ryðfrír vinkill fyrir vegg eða mastur.

LTE/5G loftnet, 6dB 2xLTE/1xWiFi – 4GPUCK-8-V2

3-in-1 Transportation & IoT/M2M Antenna

617 – 6000 MHz; 2X2 LTE (MIMO), 6dBi; Wi-Fi (SISO), 7.5dBi

Poynting’s new PUCK range offers a small profile antenna for use in the IoT/M2M, Smart Meter, Smart Utilities, Transportation, Marine and the Agricultural/Farming markets. The PUCK-8 consists of a 3-in-1 antenna system within a single housing, featuring 2×2 MIMO LTE/5G and Wi-Fi (Dual-band 2.4 GHz & 5 GHz). The 2x Cellular MIMO antennas (for 2G/3G/4G) cover the 617 to 4200 MHz band, this includes the most popular international LTE/5G bands. The antenna provides a dual-band Wi-Fi antenna offering concurrent 2.4 GHz and 5 to 7.2 GHz bands, capable of 802.11n and 802.11ac/ax. The PUCK exceeds the performance of many competitors due to the attention to design of this high-performance antenna. The radiation patterns of all radiating elements provide an excellent balance between omnidirectionality, pattern diversity and good radiation abilities at the desired elevation, which is often overlooked in such a small size antenna. Despite its small size, this antenna provides excellent performance especially at the higher frequency bands, where performance is critical for LTE throughput and connection stability. This antenna is designed so that both the LTE ports are connected to the router/device to ensure the best performance. Please see other derivatives of the PUCK range that are more suitable for a SISO application.

Meira hér

Industry (Application)
Frequency Band
Frequency Range
5G Bands
LTE/4G Bands
Wi-Fi Standard
Mounting Type
Enclosure Name
Enclosure Size
LTE Ports
Wi-Fi Ports

LTE/5G loftnet, 6dB LTE/WiFi/GPS – 4GPUCK-3-V2

Robust Multifunctional 3-in-1 Ultra-Wide Band Omni-Directional PUCK Antenna: 1* LTE/5G (617 – 6000 MHz), max. Gain: 6 dBi + 1* Dual Band Wi-Fi + Wi-Fi 6E (2400 Mhz. & 5000 – 7200 MHz.), + 1* GNSS, 2 m RKT-031 cable, SMA (m) (with 1×1 RP-SMA (m) Adaptor), multiple mounting options, IP69K, eMark certified [E1*10R06/01*9551*00] – Black Housing

Poynting’s new PUCK range offers a small profile antenna for use in the IoT/M2M, Smart Meter, Smart Utilities, Transportation, Marine and the Agricultural/Farming markets. The PUCK-3 consists of a 3-in-1 antenna system within a single housing, featuring SISO LTE, SISO Wi-Fi and GPS/GLONASS. The Cellular antenna (for 2G/3G/4G) covers the 617MHz to 4200MHz band, this includes the most popular international LTE bands. The antenna provides a dual-band Wi-Fi antenna offering concurrent 2.4GHz and 5GHz bands, capable of 802.11n and 802.11ac/ax. The third antenna is a high-performance active GPS/GLONASS system operating at temperatures as low as -40ºC. The PUCK exceeds the performance of many competitors due to the attention to design of this high-performance antenna. The radiation patterns of all radiating elements provide an excellent balance between omnidirectionality, pattern diversity and good radiation abilities at the desired elevation, which is often overlooked in such a small size antenna. Despite its small size, this antenna provides excellent performance especially at the higher frequency bands, where performance is critical for LTE throughput and connection stability.

Meira hér

Industry (Application)
Frequency Band
Frequency Range
5G Bands
LTE/4G Bands
Mounting Type
Wi-Fi Standard
Polarisation Linear Polarised
Environmental IP69K
Enclosure Name PUCK
Enclosure Size Small
LTE Ports
Wi-Fi Ports
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Ráðstefna um nettengingar sjófarenda

Í nútímasamfélagi eru nýjar áskoranir í netlausnum á sjó vegna nýrrar tækni. Krafa um betri og nýrri lausnir til þess að leysa þann vanda verður sífellt háværari og aðkallandi fyrir sjávariðnaðinn. Til þess að ræða þessi mál höfum við fengið einn fremsta fyrirlesara Evrópu í sjávariðnaði, Ben Taylor. Hann hefur góða innsýn og reynslu á sjávariðnaði  víðs vegar um heim. Starf hans sem fréttamaður hefur fært honum ýmis verðlaun á borð við ,, Contributor to the North“ – Prolific North 2021. Einnig má nefna að hann starfar í nefnd fyrir Breska sjómannasambandið.

Hér er um tækifæri fyrir fyrirtæki í sjávarútveginum og sjófarendur að kynnast nýjum og sérsniðnum lausnum fyrir nettengingu á sjó.

Byrjað er á að tala um allt sem þarf til að láta 4/5G virka á skipi: SIM-kortin, beinana og loftnetin.

Næst hefur Poynting boðið Oneweb til að segja okkur allt um nútíð og framtíð gervihnattatenginga á sjó.

Sá þriðji verður sá sem enginn má missa af. Jafnvel þótt skip séu „ein“ í sjónum er hætta á netárásum mjög raunveruleg. Fortinet, leiðandi í netöryggi, mun tala um hætturnar sem þarf að bregðast við.

Að lokum á síðasta pallborðinu sem er líklega það mikilvægasta og praktískasta, munu þrír sérfræðingar sem eru að vinna hjá heimsþekktum fyrirtækjum í sjávariðnaði segja okkur frá eigin viðskiptaþörfum og þeim lausnum sem þeir sjá á markaði. Einnig þá valkosti sem þeir tóku á eigin netkerfum.

Gestir eru hvattir til þess að koma með spurningar sem svarað verður jafnóðum.

Skráðu þig hér

4/5G loftnet, 6.2dB 410-3800MHz – OMNI-600-V1-02


410 – 3800 MHz, 6.2dBi

360°,  6.2 dB 4G og 5G loftnet. Þetta er sérhannað fyrir staði þar sem að eru slæmar aðstæður. Tengist beint í router.

The OMNI-600 is a unique new design with improved 2×2 MIMO electrical performance. The ultra-wide band covers all contemporary operating frequencies with excellent balanced gain across all frequencies. Higher frequencies are not compromised, and the antenna design allows Poynting to have superior pattern control over the entire frequency range, making the OMNI-600 a true high performance omni-directional antenna. The OMNI-600 guarantees signal reception almost everywhere, making it usable in all parts of the world. Poynting Antennas achieves this through new antenna configuration using multiple dipoles and a unique (patented) feed network. The antenna is future proof as it covers the 450 MHz frequency and 3.5 GHz CBRS band which is gaining popularity in various regions and countries.

Nánari upplýsingar hér

  • Ports 2
  • Frequency Bands 410 – 3800 MHz
  • Polarisation Linear Vertical
  • Peak Gain 6.2 dBi
  • Coax Cable Type Twin HDF 195
  • Coax Cable Length 5m
  • Connector Type SMA (M)

Teltonika Router Cat6 – RUTX11 og OMNI-402 MIMO loftnets tilboð!

Beinir frá Teltonika og 4G loftnet frá Poynting, 6.2dB MIMO – OMNI-402-V1. RUTX11 er hægt að treysta á þegar á reynir. Hann er öruggur Cat6, LTE router fyrir aðstæður sem að þarf að hafa örugga og hraða tengingu. Hann tengið þig með öryggi við netið þar sem að 4G er fyrir hendi en ekki er möguleiki á ljósleiðara eða öðrum tengingum.

Hér bjóðum við hann með Poynting OMNI-402 loftneti. Sjá loftnet hér

Teltonika RUTX11 (Europe, the Middle East, Africa, Korea, Thailand version. Not Suitable for US market)

Most powerful and feature rich device within Teltonika Networking products range. Equipped with Dual-SIM, 4 x Gigabit Ethernet ports, Dual-Band AC WiFi, Bluetooth LE and USB interfaces. RUTX11 comes with all RutOS software and security features. This device is perfect for advanced Industrial and Enterprise applications.

RUTX11 is the most feature rich among all the RUTX series devices. Wide range of internal hardware interfaces allows this device to be used in power hungry Industrial applications where speed and robustness is at the heart of solution. 4G (LTE) – Cat 6 DL up to 300 Mbps in sync with 4 x 1 Gbit Ethernet ports allows seamless data transfer experience.

Quad Core ARM Cortex A7 717 MHz CPU and 256 MBytes DDR3 RAM assures smooth VPN data acquisition. Would that be Enterprise office of power hungry Digital signage with 8k HDTV solution, RUTX11 can handle it all. In addition Bluetooth LE allows sensors to be connected directly to router, thus minimizing overall solution ecosystem.


Wi-Fi Standards IEEE 802.11ac Wave 2 (WiFi 5), 802.11b/g/n standards
Processor Specs Quad Core ARM Cortex A7
Size of RAM 256 MB
Storage Size 256 MB
Storage Type FLASH
Operating System RutOS (OpenWrt based Linux OS)
Power Method 9 – 50 VDC, 4 pin DC connector
10/100/1000 Ethernet ports 4
Number of USB ports 1
Tested ambient temperature -40° to 75° C
CPU Nominal Frequency 717 MHz
USB slot type USB type A


Wireless 2.4 GHz standarts 802.11b/g/n
Wireless 5 GHz transmission speed up to 867 Mbps
Wireless 5 GHz standarts 802.11ac


Number of DC inputs 1
Max Power Consumption 11 W


Number of SIM slots 2
LTE Category Cat 6 DL up to 300 Mbps, UL up to 50Mbps

Nánari upplýsingar

Stuttar leiðbeiningar


4G loftnet, 6dB WiFi og LTE mimo – PUCK-7

360°, 6 dB LTE með 7,5dB WiFi. Þetta hentar vel þar sem að er lélegt netsamband og WiFi vantar líka. Loftnet sem er sérstaklega gert fyrir báta, húsbíla og ferðavagna.  Tengist beint í router.

Poynting’s new PUCK range offers a small profile antenna for use in the IoT/M2M, Smart Meter, Smart Utilities, Transportation, Marine and the Agricultural/Farming markets. The PUCK-7 consists of a 4-in-1 antenna system within a single housing, featuring 2×2 MIMO LTE/5G and 2×2 MIMO Wi-Fi (Dual-band 2.4 GHz & 5 GHz). The 2x Cellular MIMO antennas (for 2G/3G/4G) cover the 617 MHz to 4200 MHz band, this includes the most popular international LTE/5G bands. The antenna provides two separate dual-band Wi-Fi antennas offering concurrent 2.4 GHz and 5 to 7.2 GHz bands, capable of 802.11n and 802.11ac/ax with 2×2 MIMO. The PUCK exceeds the performance of many competitors due to the attention to design of this high-performance antenna. The radiation patterns of all radiating elements provide an excellent balance between omnidirectionality, pattern diversity and good radiation abilities at the desired elevation, which is often overlooked in such a small size antenna. Despite its small size, this antenna provides excellent performance especially at the higher frequency bands, where performance is critical for LTE throughput and connection stability. This antenna is designed so that both the LTE ports are connected to the router/device to ensure the best performance. Please see other derivatives of the PUCK range that are more suitable for a SISO application.

Meira hér

SKU A-PUCK-0007-V1-01
COAX Cable Type RTK-031
COAX Cable Length 2m
Color Black

WiFi 360° 2,4-2,5Ghz og 5-7,2Ghz (2×2)mimo loftnet – Puck-12

Poynting’s new PUCK range offers a small profile antenna which can be used in the IoT/M2M, Smart Meter, Smart Utilities, Transportation, Marine and the Agricultural/Farming markets. The PUCK-12 consists of a 2-in-1 antenna system within a single housing, featuring 2×2 MIMO Wi-Fi (Dual-band 2.4 GHz & 5 GHz). The antenna provides two separate dual-band Wi-Fi antennas offering concurrent 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz bands, capable of 802.11n and 802.11ac/ax with 2×2 MIMO. The PUCK exceeds the performance of many competitors due to the attention to design of this high-performance antenna. The radiation patterns of all radiating elements provide an excellent balance between omnidirectionality, pattern diversity and good radiation abilities at the desired elevation, which is often overlooked in such a small size antenna. Despite its small size, this antenna provides excellent performance especially at the higher frequency bands, where performance is critical for Wi-Fi throughput and connection stability

Nánar hér

SKU A-PUCK-0012-V1-01 A-PUCK-0012-V1-01-W
COAX Cable Type RTK-031 RTK-031
COAX Cable Length 2m 2m
Color Black White
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Ripple, 4G/5G loftnet fyrir skip og báta

Ripple er nýjung í loftnetum frá Poynting, það er eitt það besta sem að er í boði fyrir sjófarendur. Í boði eru 8×8 mimo net og 16×16 net sem að getir mögulegt að taka á móti allt að 8 láréttum og 8 lóðréttum sendum á sama tíma en það gefur mesta mögulega gagnahraða. Mesta mögnun er 9,5dB sem er með því mesta sem að gerist í svona loftnetum. Þú getur verið í sambandi lengra frá landi með meiri hraða en áður! Hafðu samband og fáðu nánari upplýsingar.

Sjá meira um Ripple 8 hér, og hér um Ripple 16.
